Friday, September 22, 2006

Two items of business

Two things of interest:
1.Cannon had a speech evaluation this week, and as part of the process, had to have a psychological evaluation as well. I received a mound of paperwork to fill out, much of it questions in regards to his developmental history ie. when he started walking, using utensils, hopping in a straight line on one foot while whistling dixie and juggling plates, you know the usual. As the questionairre went on, there was a point where I had to list his court appearances, along with dates and offenses. I wonder how many 4 year olds have rap sheets. What did they do? I imagine a kiddie underground network of preschool criminals, stealing their moms' candy stash and selling it on the black market.
2.Emme wrote me a card when I wasn't feeling well yesterday, emotionally speaking. It says and I quote, "Your the best! Who couldn't have a better mom than you!!!! Your the Queen mommy. Roses are red. Dragons are green. Our door is blue. But my mom is you!!!!!! Go to sleep." I laughed out loud, because our door is blue. She is so funny. Definitely made me feel better. How bad is it when your 7 year old tells you you need a nap?


Beka said...

"we had breakfast and lunch....its called brunch."

emme is the best letter writer.

Erin-lou said...

I love that your door is blue!!