Monday, October 09, 2006

Budding Comedians

My children love to tell jokes. Not different jokes, but the same jokes over and over again. And if for some reason I forget to laugh, they get their feelings hurt. So here are the Scott family jokes, in case you haven't heard them already. And when you hear them again, be sure to laugh.

Why did the elephant eat a candle?
Because he wanted a light snack.

What time is it when an elephant sits on your car?
Time to get a new car.

What is a whale's favorite thing to chew?
Bubble gum

What does mother nature use to go fishing?
North and South Poles

How do you make a Kleenex dance?
Put a little boogie in it.

What did the mushroom say when he walked into a bar?
I'm a fun-guy.

(Those last two are actually me and Mike's. I like them so much I thought I'd include them.)


Angelsineveryone(Brandon) said...

why dont you take a pokemon into the bathroom with you? .........because they will pikachu!!!!!!!!


How do you get Pikachu onto a bus? Pok-em-on!!!!

Rachael said...

The kleenex ones is one of my faves.

liz said...

omigosh- uncle kevin used the fun-gi joke at lake tahoe. and i thought it was so original.

the bublbe gum one had me stumped for a minute.

beka- your frist one mad me chuckle

Melony said...

Those are some good ones Beka.

Liz, the whale one had me shaking my head for a little while too.

Beka said...
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Beka said...

uuummm I didn't post anything yet. Brandon posted those jokes. But thanks for giving me the credit. hahaha

Emme told me the north and south poles one THREE times on Conference Sunday. I thought it was funny!

Angelsineveryone(Brandon) said...

yeah. what kinda hotel is this....? hahah jk!