Monday, August 06, 2007

Should I stay or should I go now

Ahh, the first day.
Yogurt and applesauce for lunch, becuase that's what you wanted.

Geez mom, why all the pics?

Do you like my new shirt? The monkey looks like me.

Hey dad, mom's taking a million pictures of me.

Yes, I know he's cute.

Even though I cut off all of his hair this morning with a #2 instead of a #4 like usual.

And, here we are at school, trying to figure out when your teacher will come for you. Your smile is gone and you won't look at me even once. You really wanted to kick the rocks with your new kicks. Skechers Airators, the only shoes you wanted, but only because they were the ones Chance wanted.

You nervously pull at your backpack, waiting, wondering what's taking so long.

You are sitting in your spot, not looking at me, but sort of looking.

See how it says Cannon right there on your desk? Now you won't have to worry about trying to spell your name all by yourself. All the drama from this morning was for not.

You break a smile for me. See, this really won't be that hard. Do you want me to leave? Because I'll stay all day if you want. I really really will.

No? Okay. I love you. Remember to ask to go to the bathroom, if you need to. I'll be back in exactly 2 hours and 45 minutes. Did you know I loved you? Because I really really do.


liz said...

1) he totally looks like my husband did when he shaved his head one summer when we dated and had a tan.

2) holy smokes your baby boy is in school now.

Megan said...

it is hard huh? What are you gonna do with ALL your spare time... well except for you still have that cutie at home, but she takes naps right?

Melony said...

Yeah right Megan. All my spare time with a baby who can't go 5 seconds with out touching me. No naps. Nothing. And now all my babysitters are in school. I am totally screwed.

Megan said...

Then you should just come over and go swimming with me! who needs kids to swim... it's better without 'em anyways. Or we could make yummy caramel apples!!