Saturday, August 04, 2007

Saturday is a Special Day...

It's 10pm, why are you not asleep yet? !
Don't you know we have 8am church starting tomorrow?!
What are you reading?!
Oh, um, never mind.

Listen, put the book down and go to bed.

I repeat, put the comic book down and go to bed!

Didn't I already tuck you in?

Your alarm better not be set for 4:30am like you said.

Son, you are the only smart one in this whole house.

Earlier in the evening...

Would you look at this?
Do you realize these are the first bath pictures I've taken of her?
She cannot wait for the water to warm up.

Mom, can you catch water with your hands?

Don't you just love how running water looks when you photograph it?

Look at those wet eyelashes.

And those rolls.


At this point I had to put the camera down, as she slid and fell into the water and got her face all wet and almost drowned. I practically dropped the camera in the water pulling her up.

Lesson #1. Don't fill the bathtub up this high.

Lesson #2. Put the wrist strap on when taking tub pictures.

Lesson #3. Always watch your kids when in the tub. Always always always.

1 comment:

Beka said...

Note to shelf: always watch kids in tub. You learn something new everyday.