Monday, September 17, 2007

Look what happened last week...

Do you see this adorable little girl?

This was the day she started walking.
September 12th.
10 months 20 days old.
Too soon.

See how she stands, arms stretched out?

She has gained some balance and lots of confidence.

Of course she still falls after a few steps.

But now we are up to 5.

I really wanted to post the video, but I'm blogilliterate when it comes to posting video. If I ever figure it out, I'll show you.

She gets so excited as we cheer for her, the children reveling in her

victory against gravity.


Beka said...

Oh my! I can't wait to see her in action!

Anonymous said...

10 months? that is crazy! So exciting though!

Megan said...

you're in trouble now

Melony said...

I love that I can not post for a week and you guys still come back. Thanks!
Here's the DL:
Chance-9 months
Emme-10 months
Cannon-11 months
Claire-10 months
Motor Skills-early
Speech-we're still working on it