Thursday, July 05, 2007

When upon life's billows,


Life is good. Because I'm no longer the raging beast I was last week, I've decided to take a moment to count my blessings. So here goes, in no particular order:
  • A husband who loves me, who even though we aren't what you would call a 'romantic-lovey dovey until you want to hit them-couple', still finds ways to make me happy, like cleaning the downstairs while I take a nap
  • Children who are fun to play in the pool with, and who like to cuddle while watching fireworks
  • A baby who smiles all the time and loves to be held
  • A beautiful home that doesn't take too long to clean
  • A car whose air conditioning works great
  • A healthy body that endures the pain I put it through
  • Nursing bosoms
  • Parents who make me cookies and let me swim in their pool
  • Sisters who invite me over to eat yummy breakfasts
  • Brothers who invite me over to eat yummy dinners
  • Friends who let me vent so that I don't hang onto the little things that bug me
  • A warm and cozy bed right underneath the AC vent
  • Enough money in my wallet to buy some groceries
  • Pay day today!
  • Awesome inlaws, (you know which ones you are)

This of course is just a random list of things off the top of my head. I was having one of those days last week when life didn't look quite as peachy. I was sure that my troubles far outweighed any supposed blessings. It was in one of those moments when I just wanted to scream at the world,

"life isn't fair!"

when my princess started practicing the piano. Her song for the week was "Count Your Many Blessings". Hmmmm. Right. I forgot. Thanks for reminding me.

Are you tempest tossed?

I can send her over. She's pretty good.


Liz said...

i always sang/ hummed that song to zane when he was a baby (and I was up all night feeding him and tired and new-mommy-crazy) and it always made me feel blessed and less crazy.

now whenever we sing it in church I can't hold back a tear.

Megan said...

good for you to think of your blessings in the midst of craziness. sometimes a little voice in my head says to do that but I usually tell it to go away